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At noon on Saturday June 27,  competitors were emailed a first and a last sentence (which had both been composed by writer Tendai Huchu). They then had exactly 24h and up to 1,000 words to bridge the two.


First Sentence:

They laid the train tracks back to front and this caused a great deal of confusion – you’d think you were on the train to New York and arrived in Kinshasa, or to Shanghai and found yourself lost in Istanbul.


Last Sentence:

Rain dripping from the rusty gutters made a curtain between the platform and the tracks.


Congratulations to the winner Ilana Masad, who takes home USD $400 with In a World Gone Mad. The contest attracted nearly 300 entries and she faced competition from across the globe. We judged blind and ended up chosing one winner and three Honorable Mentions who, between the four of them, represented writing from Africa, Europe, and North America.


The Honorable Mentions this year were written by (in no particular order): Roberta VerdantMuene Kilongi, and James Grzejka.


Congratulations to every competitor who threw themselves and their stories into the fray for Joust 2015.


24h Writing Contest, One Throne Magazine

"Joust" by Stanslav Dmitriev.
© Do not reproduce without artist's permission.

2014 Winning Stories:

Congratulations to the writers who penned the three winning stories in 2014:

1. Gary Emmette Chandler, Where the Rest of the World Began (won $250)
2. Jean-Luc Bouchard, Arm in Arm, March On
3. Jazz Crescella, The Crescendo


One Throne Magazine Contributors

Index of contributors, past and present.

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One Throne Magazine's auspicious home: Dawson City, Yukon.

One Throne Magazine 24h Writing Contest

Read the winners of our annual "Joust" 24h writing contest.

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